A free-form dictionary to my vernacular

A free-form dictionary to my vernacular: Learn it, use it, love it

Friday, October 2, 2009


AfterLaugh: the giggles you get went you think about something funny after it has happened. You might be driving in your car, just thinking to yourself and then all of a sudden you have a case of AfterLaugh and you burst into laughter.

This word came about when my sister was telling me a very, very funny story involving the misuse of the phrase scary hoe. I was laughing so hard I had an asthma attack, revenge of the nerds style (yes, I have an inhaler). Hours later in my car, I thought of the story and started cracking up all over again (minus the dorky respiratory failure), shortly thereafter "AfterLaugh" was coined.

I will give you a brief recap of it here because it is just that funny: my friends and I always use the word situation to describe the events or circumstances surronding something. My friend Nick decided that he would start using scenario instead of situation and later (inspired by Jay Z's song "Big Pimpin'") he swapped out scenario for scary hoe. So instead of saying the weekend scenario, he would say the weekend scary hoe.

One day he wrote his mom a shopping list of items to get for a particular recipe from the grocery store. He wrote down fried onions scary hoe, bread scary hoe and etc. His poor foreign mother goes to the grocery store scouring the aisles for fried onions made by "Scary Hoe" brand. Expasperated, she calls upon the help of a store clerk to find the unorthodox brand. I can just imagine her now asking the unassuming clerk (insert Egyptian accent here) can you help me, I cannot find the scary hoe onions. The pair of them were looking for an hour for the scary hoe brand in the store!!! She had no idea that this was not a brand and came home and scolded her son saying do you know what a scary hoe is, ufff!! (this is the frustrated Arabic sigh).

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