A free-form dictionary to my vernacular

A free-form dictionary to my vernacular: Learn it, use it, love it

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Meenet: it is when you think you look good and then take a closer look in the mirror later on and realize that you look toe-up. It's your own personal Monet, beautiful from afar and far from beautiful. Everyone has those days when you leave the house and you are like "I look good today, sweet." Then, at work you take a bathroom break and a second look in the mirror.

While you are checking yourself out, and procrastinating going back to your desk, you realize that your former assessment of your physical appearance was false. (Gasp!) You skin only looked clearer earlier because you caked on the concealer, which now makes you look like you have discolored blotches of flaky skin. (Damn that faulty lighting in your room.) The bold fashion statement you decided on in your haste to leave your cramped abode, now just looks tacky. And that form-fitting shirt that you thought brought out your curves, only looks good when you are standing perfectly still (and sucking in). All that taught top is accentuating is your love handles, and you better hang on tight because those things are in full force. The casually messy tresses you are rocking, looks like you have been head banging all night at an 80s rock show, and yes, it is passé.

At this stage of your realization you panic, you are already at work and you cannot change your outfit. What is a girl to do? So you do whatever primping you can in the bathroom, tweak your hair, throw on a little gloss and remove the colorful scarf you have on to "tone down" your outfit. You try to salvage what you have left of your shabby ensemble and you walk out of the bathroom, head held high with a tinge of insecurity. You swear to yourself, you won't let this happen again.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad I now have a word to call it, because it happens like everyday to me. I Think the car mirror is the worst I have learned not to look into it any more to avoid a "Meenet" moment!
