A free-form dictionary to my vernacular

A free-form dictionary to my vernacular: Learn it, use it, love it

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rein Release Phobia

Rein Release Phobia: This is particular disease afflicts the most consummate micro managers. They will seriously just not let go. They give you assignment (you are filled with glee and a false sense of autonomy), which is followed by an inordinate influx of mini meetings and follow up emails regarding this assignment. You have so many interactions regarding this (and every assignment) that you don't even have time to get the job done.

While working with this person, all you really feel like you have accomplished throughout the day is over communication, which is underlined by the passive aggressive behavior (emails versus face-to-face contact) and condescension that is overshadowed by excessive worrying over every project, don't you think you have enough wrinkles!

To this you need to say, seriously, release the reins, I got this. I wasn't born yesterday and after all you hired me, I am a professional.

My advice if you encounter such an abhorrent specimen of professional is to you set the tone for independence early and be direct if not, you will be caught in the reins.

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