A free-form dictionary to my vernacular

A free-form dictionary to my vernacular: Learn it, use it, love it

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Fired: is something you say to a friend or acquaintance when they disappoint you or when they do something stupid. It is not to be confused with their current employment situation, so use it with caution in the workplace. It is kind of like being friend fired a metaphorical way of temporarily being voted off the island or TV show a la Donald Trump.

This new meaning for the term originated in casual conversation with a possible male suitor, yes I said suitor, who asked me what my origins were. I responded with my usual from Jordan response and he responds So you must eat a lot of bagels. If by bagels you mean hummus and pita bread or to imply that since I am "Jewish" I eat a lot of bagels. I was like well, not really. Is this your way of asking if I am Jewish, because I am not. His response, I know a lot of Jews from Jordan, it's one of the most Jewish countries. To save myself (and him) from an embarrassing political discourse (that would not be facilitated by the multiple vodka sodas I had just consumed), all I could respond is You're fired. (Don't you even glance at the news headlines, seriously!)

And yes, I do like bagels and Jews for that matter, but what does that have to do with Jordan?