A free-form dictionary to my vernacular

A free-form dictionary to my vernacular: Learn it, use it, love it

Monday, July 6, 2009


Accurate: something you would say when you are trying to validate a statement. This word does not refer to the results of scientific experiments or the theorems of physicists. Accurate can be used to over emphasize a statement, confirm a judgment while people watching or simply serve as a cocky response to a compliment.

The use of this word was popularized during, you guessed it, late-night imbibing. I got stuck on the word during a trip to Los Angeles and in lieu of using any other confirmation (or words at all) accurate quickly became my response to everything.

This place is ghetto, we should leave. Accurate.
That chick is showing a little too much skin, Britney Spears-style. Accurate.
You look super hot tonight. Accurate.

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