A free-form dictionary to my vernacular

A free-form dictionary to my vernacular: Learn it, use it, love it

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Frex: a good friend or best friend that you are no longer friends with. Some kind of disagreement or falling out have caused you to drift apart or abruptly discontinue your relationship. Now all you have left is the ashes of your scorched of union. You think about the time that you spent together, the times you laughed and all of those intimate details of your day-to-day life that you shared (and that you now wish you hadn't).

Much like the fallout of a divorce or a bad break-up, a frex can wreak havoc on your life to varying degrees depending on the terms of dissolution of your bond. Did your frex dump you, did you dump them, did they steal your boyfriend, hook-up with your brother or did you just have nothing in common anymore?

Seeing your frex in the grocery store makes you panic and quickly dunk behind the nearest vegetable display at Safeway to avoid an awkward social encounter (effectively making you look like a crazy person when you rise from your hiding place to exclaim, "Oh, there's the piece of lint I've been looking for.") When a song comes on the radio that you both joked about, you start to laugh and think of your frex—but, with a heavy heart, you realize that they are the only person in the world that would think this song was funny and you aren't speaking anymore. Most of your friends have chosen sides in the "divorce" (as the two of you can't stand being around each other) or have decided to remain friends with you both discretely. Some of them wouldn't be "caught dead talking to that dumb ho anyways," and to the others, you are now that "dumb ho."

Not everyone of your ex-friends is now a frex. Just because you lost touch, it does not mean that you had a break-up like trauma at the quiet end to your relations. A frex is someone that has left a lasting impression on your life and that may cause you to recoil in disdain at the mere sound of their name or inspire you to change their name to something a bit more comical.

1 comment:

  1. As always I look forward to read your blog. It sure to make me laugh. you are greAT keep them coming
