A free-form dictionary to my vernacular

A free-form dictionary to my vernacular: Learn it, use it, love it

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Bud-E: is that person who always comments on your status, but is not really your friend. They are only really connected to you via an invisible internet sphere linking every connection you have ever made in your life to each other—keeping you privy to the lives of people you would never have remembered existed otherwise. They always "like" your status (denoted by a thumbs-up symbol on facebook) and post "cute pic" on your photos. You may not be quite sure who they are: an old friend from grade school, someone you met in a lecture once or someone you met in a bar once.

In any case, you never hang out, but for whatever reason they feel compelled to share their opinion of your actions with the world. I don't really get these Bud-Es. I have a few of them and I wonder do you just have no life, or are you on a mission to boost the self-confidence of random people that you went to high school with but never talked you? Is this some kind of Internet pay-it-forward, I comment on your status so that you feel liked, and then you do the same to some other marginal friend in your network and in the end the whole world feels loved?

Well Bud-E if so I am confused. I feel like I should respond to your posts, but since we don't really know each other, I don't. So what is the purpose of this all? I am just going to go with the option that I am just that interesting that you wish you were part of my highly selective inner circle of which you can only reach the outskirts via my 600-strong Facebook network.

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