A free-form dictionary to my vernacular

A free-form dictionary to my vernacular: Learn it, use it, love it

Friday, September 18, 2009


Digi-dust: invisible dust that covers technology and the internet. Though you can't see it, digi-dust settles on something that has been replaced, improved upon, discarded or neglected. Just like the old and tired things collecting dust on your shelf at home (be it an old stuffed animal or earrings from last season), these digital entities are quickly covered in a film signaling that someone has moved on rendering them irrelevant. It refers to something that is passé like Friendster and MySpace, communicating with your friends exclusively via AIM and saving files on CDs.

Google often digs up digi-dust covered websites, blogs and articles via its search engine and it just fills your screen with dusty, old information. I wish that Google would develop a digi-dust filter with an added tab marked "Clicked here to rate this like as Tired" but maybe the search giant can't keep up with the rate of fallout.

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