A free-form dictionary to my vernacular

A free-form dictionary to my vernacular: Learn it, use it, love it

Thursday, September 3, 2009


InBoxer: Someone who puts on a normal front to your face and then sends you a snarky email to tell you how they really feel. They don’t have the cojones to tell you something in person so they rely on technology to communicate their message. You may pass them in the halls and they will smile at you or hang out with them at an event and everything will be fine. You guys will laugh and joke around, they might even compliment you on your outfit.

Not even a minute goes by and your inbox pings with the sound of a new message as if to say you’ve got mail, but you don’t want read it. Its just a passive email from that fake person you have just been talking to. They can't seem to face you in person with honor. Instead they hide their real feelings behind feigned displays of affection and overly enthusiastic displays of emotion. When faced with such an irritating person I think to myself, I know you don't like me. Yet you put so much energy into leading this duel personality.

The gloves are off when it comes to text-based communication. They don't have to be present for your reaction to their message, they can text, type, e-mail, update or tweet until their heart's content. They will blindside you with an electronically delivered knock-out punch, leaving you stunned lying on the floor. In the real world (where genuine human interactions exist) you could "take this outside" to work things out when verbal altercations or disagreements happen. Well inboxer you need to get out of the ring. Stop hiding behind technologies excuses for cowardice and express your opinion with honor. There is no winner at the end of this verbal fighting match—the result is just a confusing chain of communication that leaves both parties panting from a repeated swing and a miss.

My friend Macie helped me solidify this current incarnation of this word, which went from Inbox Avenger to the InBoxer.

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