A free-form dictionary to my vernacular

A free-form dictionary to my vernacular: Learn it, use it, love it

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Nom de Zoom

Nom de Zoom: likened to nom de plume, this is your bar name. While you are not creating a literary work of art, you are creating a complex character of fictional proportions. Prior to an evening outing, your friends give you a believeble yet slightly more exotic name. I was dubbed Mercedes and given that everyone thinks I am Mexican, the name is believable (or so they tell me). When you encouter someone who you do not wish to talk to you or you are just not feeling it, you give them your nom de zoom. Then when your conversation is over you can split, leaving the interlocateur unaware of your real name and identity.

The persona you take on to embody your nom de zoom is completely different than your actual personality. For instance you could be a flight attendant, a bartender or a professor at the University of Pheonix online. To keep up appearences, you friends must refer to by your nom do zoom and play into your alter-ego. It is helpful to have a list of hobbies and a fake place of residence to keep the conversation going until your zooming point.

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